Á la Carte Service Pricing | eBook Publishing | Editing | Cover Design
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Pricing Packages

Reflowable eBooks

With industry-leading turnaround times, a clear and convenient submission process, and an unmatched commitment to quality, eBooks2go is the destination for all your eBook publishing needs. The two most common files used in eBook publishing are ePUB and Mobi. An ePUB file gets your book onto Barnes & Noble, Apple’s iBooks, Google Play, as well as schools and libraries while the Mobi file gets you on Amazon.

Amazon Kindle Publishing

Get your book published in the world's largest eBook store. We format your eBook to the highest standards, unlike most of those automated tools, and ensure a clean display across all e-reading devices from Kindles to smartphones. More...


eBook Publishing for Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Google, and More

The reflowable ePUB file is the most versatile eBook publishing solution. This option allows you to sell your eBook on Barnes & Noble, Apple’s iBooks, Google Play, and several other popular retail stores and libraries. More...


eBook Publishing for All Stores

Get your book published in all of your favorite stores. We format your eBook to the highest standards, unlike most of those automated tools, and ensure a clean display across all e-reading devices from Kindles to smartphones. More...


Fixed Layout eBooks

Kindle Publishing

Fixed-layout Kindle eBooks are used whenever you need to publish a digital replica of your print book to the world’s most popular bookstore. Examples include cookbooks, children’s books, and textbooks. More...


eBook Publishing for iBooks Details

Fixed-layout ePUB files are used whenever an author needs to preserve the look and feel of the original print book. Some of the best examples are children’s picture books, cookbooks, graphic novels, and textbooks. More...


eBook Publishing for All Stores

Fixed-layout eBooks are used whenever you need to publish a digital replica of your print book to the world’s most popular bookstore. Examples include cookbooks, children’s books, and textbooks. More...


Essentials (Basic)

Sometimes less is more for a book’s cover design. The Essentials Cover Design package is best suited for books that require minimal design for a cover that is straightforward and directly to the point. Details More...


Premium (Intermediate)

Amaze readers with a spectacular design from eBooks2go’s Premium Cover Design templates. This service gives authors the creative liberty to incorporate multiple style elements into their book’s cover. More...


Elite (Complex)

If you truly want an iconic book cover, then the Elite Cover Design is the perfect solution More...


Copy Editing & Proof Reading

Get the best of both worlds. Ensure your manuscript looks and sounds good with our copy editing and proofreading service.More...


Copy editing

Ensure your manuscript is cleaner than your room with eBooks2go’s copy editing service. Our seasoned editors specialize in every major style guide and their laser-like precision will spot any hidden typos or comma splices in your work More...



Does your manuscript have several design elements or multi-column layouts? If so, it wouldn’t hurt to have someone proofread your book before it’s published. Ensure a clean, sleek look for your book with eBooks2go’s proofreading service. More...


Developmental Editing

Get the creative direction you need with eBooks2go’s developmental editing service. Our seasoned editors have reviewed hundreds of manuscripts in every genre imaginable and know what it takes to become a bestseller. More...



eBooks2go wants to set you up for self-publishing success. Our consultations help you develop a deeper understanding of social media, publicity, metadata and building your author brand in general.


Indiereader Staff Review

Positive reviews are endorsements from credible sources that allow your work to stand out from the competition. IndieReader's staff consists of journalists, librarians, and published writers who are just waiting to read work in your genre. More...


Indiereader Reader Review

IndieReader gets your book into the hands of readers who post honest reviews to give your book the sales power it needs. This service includes three verified Reader Reviews for your Amazon and GoodReads pages.


Email Marketing

Increase your book’s revenue from the school and library space with an email marketing campaign from eBooks2go. Our marketing specialists will draft an enticing letter for more than 10,000 librarians across the US. More...


Publicity Essentials

Get people in your community excited for your new book with the Essentials Publicity Package. Includes one press release and one editorial review from IndieReader.


Publicity Elite

Introduce the world to your upcoming release with the Elite Publicity Package. Includes three reader reviews, one editorial review from IndieReader, copywriting and national distribution for one press release, and blog tour coordination.


Facebook Marketing

Facebook is the most proven social network in book marketing. It consistently produces the highest conversion rates of any social media marketing campaign and we have found in our experience that it’s fantastic for building your fan following as well. See how we helped Robin Nutter Coleman more than double her Facebook following in our case study.
To help deliver the results you’re looking for, we have designed three distinct Facebook marketing packages


Run a limited-time offer with the Facebook Essentials Book Marketing Package. This service is perfect for book launches, discounts, giveaways, and contests. More...



Still trying to figure out your target audience on Facebook? Want to test two different ads? Gain valuable insight for your book marketing efforts with the Facebook Premium Package.More...



Build your author platform with the Facebook Elite package. Our Elite book marketing service will grow your fan page following, drive traffic to your books, and generate sales.More...


Instagram Marketing

The rise of the #Bookstagram community cannot be ignored. Instagram has become a great place to promote your book, especially for holiday promotions, contests, and teasers with excerpts from the book. Additionally, research shows that it’s stronger than Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter combined. If you’re an author of children’s, adult or young adult fiction, Christian, cookbooks, self-help, or even poetry, our Instagram marketing packages can provide the lift you need


Run a limited-time offer with the Instagram Essentials Book Marketing Package. This service is perfect for book launches, discounts, giveaways, and contests.



Still trying to figure out your target audience on Instagram? Want to test two different ads? Gain valuable insight for your book marketing efforts with the Instagram Premium Package.



Build your author platform with the Instagram Elite package. Our Elite book marketing service will create excitement with a beautiful cover reveal, drive traffic to your books when it’s released, and generate sales.


Twitter Marketing

Love it or hate it, Twitter still needs to be part of your book marketing strategy. It’s a nice way of growing your following and presents an opportunity to go viral with Promoted Trends. Get your book trending with a marketing campaign from eBooks2go.


Thrust your book back into the spotlight with a contest or a giveaway on Twitter



Grow your following, increase visibility, and generate sales with Our Twitter Premium Package.



Become the next trending conversation on Twitter. Maximize your reach and sales with the Twitter Elite Package.



Get a beautiful author website designed by our veteran team

  • 5 maximum pages and images
  • 3 email accounts
  • Website domain and hosting for 1 year
  • Buy book options
  • About book page


Create a powerful author website that builds a community and generates direct sales with your very own personal online store.

  • Audio/video introduction
  • 5 email accounts
  • Photo gallery
  • Store/Cart/Checkout
  • Blog
  • Events/News
  • Guest Book/Customer Review Postings
Amazon Kindle Publishing
  • eBook formatting for up to 200 pages
  • reflowable design and layout
  • Mobi file conversion
  • interactive table of contents
  • hyperlinks as needed
  • text search functionality
  • bookmarking
  • 1 reviewable eBook proof
  • Amazon/Kindle distribution setup
  • metadata review and optimization
  • turnaround time of 5 business days
eBook Publishing for Barnes & Noble, iBooks, Google, and More
  • eBook formatting for up to 200 pages
  • reflowable design and layout
  • ePUB file conversion
  • interactive table of contents
  • hyperlinks
  • text search functionality
  • image embedding
  • 1 reviewable eBook proof
  • metadata review and optimization
  • distribution to more than 200 countries
  • sales reporting
  • turnaround time of 5 business days
eBook Publishing for All Stores
  • eBook formatting for up to 200 pages
  • reflowable design and layout
  • ePUB file conversion
  • Mobi file conversion
  • interactive table of contents
  • hyperlinks as needed
  • text search functionality
  • bookmarking
  • 1 reviewable eBook proof
  • distribution to more than 200 countries
  • Amazon/Kindle distribution setup
  • metadata review and optimization
  • turnaround time of 5 business days
Kindle Publishing
  • eBook formatting up to 60 pages
  • fixed-layout design and layout
  • KF8 file conversion
  • interactive table of contents
  • interactive glossary
  • external hyperlinks
  • image embedding
  • pop-up windows
  • callout quotes
  • sidebars
  • tables
  • 1 reviewable eBook proof
  • distribution to the Amazon/Kindle
  • metadata review and optimization
  • sales reporting
  • turnaround time of 7 business days

Need to add audio/video, animations, or read-along text? Call (847) 598-1150 to get your custom eBook made.

eBook Publishing for iBooks Details
  • eBook formatting up to 60 pages
  • fixed-layout design and layout
  • ePUB3 file conversion
  • interactive table of contents
  • interactive glossary
  • external hyperlinks
  • text search functionality
  • image embedding
  • custom fonts
  • 1 reviewable eBook proof
  • distribution to Apple’s iBooks, Google Play, and schools and libraries
  • metadata review and optimization
  • sales reporting
  • turnaround time of 7 business days

Need to add audio/video, animations, or read-along text? Call (847) 598-1150 to get your custom eBook made.

eBook Publishing for All Stores
  • eBook formatting up to 60 pages
  • fixed-layout design and layout
  • ePUB3 file conversion
  • KF8 file conversion
  • interactive table of contents
  • interactive glossary
  • external hyperlinks
  • text search functionality
  • image embedding
  • custom fonts
  • drop caps
  • pop-up windows
  • callout quotes
  • sidebars
  • tables
  • 1 reviewable eBook proof
  • distribution to the Amazon, iBooks, Google Play, and thousands of US libraries
  • metadata review and optimization
  • sales reporting
  • turnaround time of 7 business days

Need to add audio/video, animations, or read-along text? Call (847) 598-1150 to get your custom eBook made.

  • cover design for print and eBook
  • one stock image background
  • simple layout with easy-to-read fonts
  • back cover design
  • three design samples for your review
  • one round of editing
  • cover design for print and eBook
  • one or two stock image backgrounds as needed
  • back cover design
  • borders
  • layered images
  • shadow effects
  • kerning adjustments
  • text glows
  • three design samples for your review
  • one round of editing
  • cover design for print and eBook
  • multiple layers of images
  • shadow effects
  • blurred text
  • glowing text
  • curved text
  • texture effects for text
  • custom fonts
  • borders
  • three design samples for your review
  • two rounds of editing
Copy Editing & Proof Reading
  • inconsistencies in capitalization, character facts, and character spellings
  • sentence structure
  • unnecessary adjectives and adverbs
  • word choice for the book’s target audience, story setting, or time period
  • design and formatting issues
  • incorrect page numbers
  • column alignments
  • consistency for fonts, sizes, bold, underlined elements, etc.
  • style and formatting consistency for headings, subheadings, captions, and footnotes

Estimated Turnaround Time

  • 5-8 business days
Copy editing
  • fix inconsistencies in capitalization, character facts, and character spellings
  • refine sentence structure
  • remove unnecessary adjectives and adverbs
  • adjust word choice to fit with the book’s target audience, story setting, or time period

It’s always better to be safe than sorry. Polish your manuscript with a quick round of copy editing today!

Estimated Turnaround Time

  • 1-4 business days depending on workload and the length of the manuscript
  • Examination of the manuscript to confirm it adheres to design and formatting requirements
  • Page numbering inspection to make sure every page was numbered properly
  • Column alignments check
  • Consistency check for fonts, sizes, bold, underlined elements, etc.
  • Style and formatting check for headings, subheadings, captions, and footnotes
Developmental Editing
  • character arc analysis
  • assessment of character flaws and the story’s point-of-view
  • identifying and filling gaps in plot holes
  • verifying facts in nonfiction works
  • word choice adjustments to fit with your book’s target audience, story setting, or time period

Let us show you the way. Transform your work-in-progress into a literary masterpiece with our developmental editing service. Click on the button below to get pricing for your project.

Estimated Turnaround Time

  • 5-8 business days depending on workload and the length of the manuscript
IndieReader Staff Review

Positive reviews are endorsements from credible sources that allow your work to stand out from the competition. IndieReaders staff consists of journalists, librarians, and published writers who are just waiting to read work in your genre. All reviews are honest and unbiased, and will not be published without your consent. If approved, your editorial review appears on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieReader, and Ingram. Writers who receive four and five-star reviews will have their work featured on Huffington Post as well.

Email Marketing

In addition to copywriting and distribution of two email blasts, our email marketing service includes:

  • Campaign structuring and management
  • Design and copywriting for author marketing plans
  • Info sheet design
  • One analytics report that summarizes your campaign’s performance
  • One advertisement for your Facebook campaign
  • Copywriting for Facebook ad
  • Graphic design/video production for Facebook ad
  • Campaign structuring and management
  • Custom audience creation that targets the people most likely to buy your book
  • One analytics report summarizing the campaign’s performance
  • Three advertisements for your Facebook campaign
  • Copywriting for Facebook ads
  • Graphic design/video production for Facebook ads
  • Campaign structuring and management
  • Lookalike audience creation from your email list
  • One A/B split test between two different ads
  • One A/B split test between two different target audiences
  • Between 200,000 and 500,000 impressions in Facebook News Feeds
  • One analytics report summarizing the campaign’s performance
  • 6 advertisements for your Facebook campaign
    -2 Page Likes Ads to grow your following
    -3 Traffic Ads to generate sales and develop remarketing audience
    -1 Offer Ad to entice remarketing audience with a limited-time discount
  • Copywriting for Facebook ads
  • Graphic design/video production for Facebook ads
  • Campaign structuring and management
  • Lookalike audience creation from your email list
  • Remarketing audience creation from your email list
  • Remarketing audience development audience with Facebook Pixel installation
  • Multiple A/B split tests between different ads
  • Multiple A/B split tests between different target audiences
  • 1,000,000 of guaranteed impressions
  • Bi-weekly strategy sessions to drive the best performance
  • Weekly analytics reports summarizing the campaign’s performance